


惑星エーテルに生息する、高度な文明を持った生命体。 標体の推定年齢は、エーテル周期に換算して225サイクル。 ルミナスの老年期に当たります。

ルミナスは昆虫タイプの生物から進化し、惑星エーテルに独自の文明を築いた生命体です。 性質は、温厚で平穏を好みます。 高度の思考力と高度の身体能力を有する他、羽を使った浮遊能力や一種のサイコキネシスを使うことも可能です。 各個体ごとに認識名を持ち、スキャン対象標体の認識名は会話記録から「U-Mos」と判明しました。 唯一の活性生命反応個体です。

Morphology: Luminoth (U-Mos)
Indigenous sentient species of planet Aether. Subject is U-Mos, a Sentinel of the Luminoth, guardian of his species and this sacred temple.

Subject is U-Mos, a Sentinel of the Luminoth. Scans indicate numerous beneficial abilities, including heightened reflexes, durability, psionics, and flight. Ability to generate and manipulate energy on par with that of the Chozo. Dating scans suggest an age of 2.15 centicycles. Only known active member of the species; remaining Luminoth locked in protective stasis until crisis is resolved.


Energy Controller


地核から吸収、凝縮した惑星エネルギーを調節する制御装置です。 エネルギーは地表から還元され、全生命体の活動源となります。 制御装置は、合計で4台が存在しメインの1台を中心にリンクが張られ、相互にエネルギーを送受することで、供給量を調整します。

Object analysis complete. This is a regional Energy Controller. Unit regulates planetary energy in this sector, and is linked to a global energy network.

Energy Controllers were built by the Luminoth to regulate Aether's planetary energy. Several wonders are powered by the Energy Controllers, including a weather control grid and a teleportation system. When Dark Aether was born, it too had Energy Controllers, all linked to that world's planetary energy.



ダーシャ系の惑星。 惑星全体に次元の歪が点在しており、これが原因で極度の気象の異常が発生しています。


Planet: Aether
Obscure world in the Dasha system. Planet is unstable due to transdimensional flux. Warfare has devastated a good portion of the world's population. Finally, extreme climate shifts have left most of Aether uninhabitable.

Planet is unstable due to transdimensional flux. Warfare has devastated a good portion of the world's population. Finally, extreme climate shifts have left most of Aether uninhabitable.


Dark Portal


ダークエーテルへとつながる次元の裂け目です。非常に不安定なため、短時間しかその存在を維持できません。 時空間の歪にダークエネルギーを送り込むことで反応、次元の裂け目が開きます。

This portal is active. Walk into portal to transport to Dark Aether. Extreme caution recommended once transit is complete.

Dark Portals allow living beings to travel to Dark Aether without being disrupted and scattered throughout the interdimensional void. They are unstable, however, and only remain viable for limited periods of time. Some can be reactivated, while others vanish forever once they are used.


Dark Aether

エーテルと相似形を成す不安定な惑星。別次元の同座標に存在。 ポータルを通過することでライトエーテルとの行き来が可能です。 フェイゾン反応を多数確認。

エーテルと重なるように存在し、通常の次元では、その存在を確認できません。 フェイゾンの強い反応が各地に認められます。

Planet: Dark Aether
Transdimensional duplicate of Planet Aether. Can't determine origin of Aether's ''dark twin.'' Contains high levels of Phazon ore.Native bioforms attack on sight.

Can't determine origin of Aether's ''dark twin.'' Contains high levels of Phazon ore. Native bioforms attack on sight.


Light Portal


ライトエーテルへとつながる次元の裂け目です。非常に不安定なため、短時間しかその状態を維持できません。 時空間の歪にライトエネルギーを送り込むことで反応、次元の裂け目が開きます。

This portal is active. Walk into the portal to initiate return transit to Aether.

Light Portals allow living beings to travel to Aether without being disrupted and scattered throughout the interdimensional void. They are unstable, however, and only remain viable for limited periods of time. Some can be reactivated, while others vanish forever once they are used.



遺伝子の突然変異を誘発する効果を持つ鉱石です。 原産地、特性の詳細ともに不明。 第一確認地点はターロンIVです。


Element: Phazon
Volatile ore with biomutagenic properties. Origin point of Phazon unknown. First detection of element on planet Tallon IV. Used by Space Pirates to produce vast levels of energy.

Origin point of Phazon unknown. First detection of element on planet Tallon IV. Used by Space Pirates to produce vast levels of energy. Bioforms exposed to Phazon without proper shielding will eventually undergo radical mutation.
