

Transport to Temple Grounds

ルミナセウスへのアクセスを許可。 ホログラムの位置に立って下さい。

Elevator system online. Access to Temple Groundsgranted. Step into the hologram to activate elevator.


Plaza Access

ルミナスを確認、生命反応なし。 外骨格の劣化状態の分析の結果、16.2サイクル前に死亡と判明。 高気温と乾燥した空気により、損傷が進んでいます。爆発衝撃による内臓破裂が直接の死因と認識。

Bioscan complete.
Target has been dead for 1.1 decacycles. Body has been badly damaged by sandstorms and heat exposure. Judging by the number of blast wounds, the target was dead long before the desert got to it.

ルミナスの念波シールドを確認。 波長データで構成されたメッセージを解析しました。

The energy of Agon cannot leave the land it is bound to. Return the energy to the Agon Temple.



Mining Plaza


Unable to interface with door control system. Cannot translate Luminoth text. To access door controls, you will need to update your translator files.


Security clearance approved. Door systems online. Through vigilance and strength, we create peace.


Unable to activate Luminoth Lore Projector. Proper Translator Module needed for access.


Luminoth Lore translated.
(Saving Aether)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.


Structural analysis complete. Structural integrity of Brinstone object at critical.


Structural analysis complete. Statue composed of ordinary alloys and stone. Purpose unknown; possibly placed as a warning to travelers.

ソーラーレンズを確認、ソニック式セキュリティシステムとリンクしています。 音波の出元の特定には、音波を視覚化できるデバイスが必要です。

Object scan complete. Solar lens modified for use as part of a Luminoth sonic security system. Lens is connected to a sonic control system. Sonic detection gear needed to interface with this system. Neutralizing the control emitter may affect the lens.


Structural analysis complete. Scan has detected signs of combat damage, yet integrity remains steady. Bridge may outlast its natural surroundings.


Structural analysis complete. Eroded rock section contains Talloric Alloy. Numerous fractures present.


Save Station A

セーブステーション: 現在までの行動記録の保存とエネルギーの補給が可能です。

Save Station
Step into these stations to save your game and fully restore your energy.


Mining Station Access


Mining Station A


Object scan complete. This is a Space Pirate Crate. Space Pirates, strangely, dislike theft. The only way into their crates is through the use of force.


Unable to interface with door control system. Cannot translate Luminoth text. To access door controls, you will need to update your translator files.


Security clearance approved. Door systems online. Through vigilance and strength, we create peace.


Object analysis complete. This is a statue of D-Chr, the Child Hero of Agon. Once a lowly acolyte squire, he became a warrior when the temple was attacked. All warriors but D-Chr were slain, leaving the boy as sole defender of the temple. He served Agon for nearly a centicycle, before being lost in battle on Dark Aether.


Structural analysis complete. Gates constructed of Luminoth-designed alloy. Scan data indicates that weapons of artillery grade or higher would damage anything made from this alloy.


Mechanical analysis complete. Device is a component of a larger mining system and used to extract minerals from raw ore.


Luminoth Lore translated.
(The Stellar Object)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.


Automated function initiated. Sandgates will move to the open position.


Sandgate Control malfunction. Gate controls are locked in place.


Magnetic rail system track detected. Rail system powered and active. Spider Ball technology required to access track.

デンジウムを含有する岩石です。 表面に亀裂を確認、強度が低下しています。

Structural analysis complete. Structural integrity of Denzium object at critical.


Temple Access


Agon Temple


Morph Ball Bomb

モーフボール状態で [A] を押すとその位置にボムをセットします。 詳細はステータス画面で確認可能です。 [2] で表示されます。

Morph Ball Bomb acquired! While in Morph Ball mode, press [A] to drop a Morph Ball Bomb. Additional data downloaded to Inventory Screen. Press [2] to access the Inventory Screen.

タロニック合金製の金属板。 長期間に渡る風雨の影響で劣化し強度が低下しています。

Structural analysis complete. Object is composed of Talloric Alloy. Stress fractures detected; structural integrity critical.


There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access. Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. Light energy may damage it.


There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access. Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. Dark energy may damage it.


Controller Access


Object scan complete. This is a Luminoth Temple Security Station. You have been cleared to access the station.

像の表面に刻まれたルミナス文字を解析しました。 我らが偉大なるK-Tchをここに称える。 温厚な徳人K-Tch。闇との戦いは、彼をも戦地にいざなった。

Structural analysis complete. This is a statue of K-Tch, a great hero of Agon. He was a farmer until Agon was devastated by the coming of Dark Aether and the Ing.


Agon Energy Controller

エネルギー転送モジュールを接続するユニットです。 ユニットにモジュールを接続可能。 制御装置内にエネルギーがなければ、モジュールで転送できます。

Object analysis complete. This is an access point for the local energy system. The Energy Transfer Module has been designed to interface with it. Once it has, all of the energy within the module will be channeled into the local system.

ルミナスを確認、生命反応なし。 外骨格の劣化状態の分析の結果、16サイクル前に死亡と判明。 体表に大量のバイオケミカル物質を感知。数度にわたりイングがスナッチを試みた痕跡と推測。

Bioscan complete. Luminoth subject terminated 1.5 decacycles ago. Damage from multiple weapon systems detected. Subject definitely went out fighting.


Luminoth holoprojector online. Automated message initiated.

ようこそ、「アーゴン」の聖堂へ。 我が名は「I-Sha」見守り役としての命尽きたるも、その想いここにとどまりぬ。 もしも、そなたがルミナスのためにイングと戦う者ならば、このメッセージはその助けとなるであろう。 我らが聖堂に再び光を灯すには、おぞましきイングの世界へと足を踏み入れ、暗き聖堂よりエネルギーを持ち帰らねばならぬ。 きゃつらは、暗き聖堂への扉を三つの鍵で封じその鍵を闇のアーゴンの地にまき捨てた。 闇のアーゴン、すなわちダークエーテルは、瘴気渦巻く死の世界。何の備えも無く踏み入りし者は、その命を失うことになる。 されど、我らはわずかばかりの種をまいた。 このクリスタルの立てられし所、瘴気を取り払い命を満たす輝きに覆われん。 その輝き、セーフゾーンの内にはイングどもは立ち入れぬ。クリスタルの輝きは、きっとそなたの身を守ってくれよう。 黄色のホログラムならば解読し、ルミナスの扉を開くこともできるよう、そなたのトランスレーターファイルを今、改めた。 まずは、我らが造りしダークエーテルへの扉ルミナスポータルを探すが良い。 では、そなたの帰還をまっておるぞ。 この勇ましき者に、エーテルの光あれっ!

Welcome. I am I-Sha, Sentinel of the Agon Temple. This message survives my death, as guidance to one who would fight the Ing. A portal to Dark Aether lies nearby. With it, you can travel to this land's shadow. You must locate a Dark Temple, a twisted mockery of this sacred place. Inside you will find the Energy Controller you seek. The temple door is held fast by three locks. The keys for the locks are hidden throughout that dark land. Your search will be difficult. Even the very air of Dark Aether is dangerous, and can cripple the strongest of warriors. In our past struggles with the Ing, we placed a series of Light Crystals throughout their world. They remain today. These Crystals create safe areas that will protect you from the harmful atmosphere of the dark world. I have updated your Translator Module. You can access devices and doors coded with Amber holograms. More lands are open to explore. When you have taken the energy from the Dark Temple, return here at once. May the Light of Aether serve you well!


Luminoth Lore translated.
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.


Agon Map Station

マップステーション: ホログラムの位置に立つと、エリアマップをダウンロード可能です。

Map Station Step into hologram to update map data.

エリアマップのダウンロードが 完了しました。 [1] でマップ画面にアクセスできます。 再度 [1] を押すとゲームに戻ります。

You have downloaded the map for this area. Press [1] to access the map. When you're finished, press [1] again to resume play.


Sand Cache


Portal Access

ルミナスを確認、生命反応なし。 外骨格の劣化状態の分析の結果、16.1サイクル前に死亡と判明。 体表に微量のバイオケミカル物質を感知。ただし、死因は自己の武器による頭部破壊と推測されます。

Bioscan complete. Luminoth subject terminated 1.9 decacycles ago. Target has a number of wounds caused by small explosions, most likely delivered by a portable rocket or grenade system.


Portal Terminal


Luminoth Lore translated.
(Light of Aether)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.


Object scan complete. Target is in a state of dimensional flux. Unable to completely scan Bomb Slot target. 50% of its component atoms are in another dimension, or on the surface of Dark Aether.

未確認の合金で構成されたドア。 起動用インターフェースの存在を現次元に確認できません。

Object scan complete. Automated door system online. Door control governed by Bomb Slot. Control link seems to originate from Dark Aether, however.


System analysis complete. Console used to energize and open a portal to Dark Aether, currently offline. Restore power to the system to enable portal creation.


Mechanical analysis complete. Portal dynamo offline. Configure lens system to focus solar power on dynamo. This will energize the system.


Structural analysis complete. Industrial solar lens, part of a system used to open a portal to Dark Aether.


Structural analysis complete. Object is composed of Talloric Alloy. Structural integrity has decayed considerably.


Object scan complete. Target is part of a conveyor system. Conveyor system originally used to transport Kinetic Orbs. Provides access to upper section of room.


Mechanical analysis complete. Solar dynamo online. Dimensional portal system energized.


System analysis complete. Console used to energize and open a portal to Dark Aether, currently online. Portal generation system initiated.


This portal is active. Walk into portal to transport to Dark Aether. Extreme caution recommended once transit is complete.


Transport Center


Object scan complete. Security gate is locked in place. Gate is controlled by Bomb Slot device. Energize the Bomb Slot to open the gate.

パープルゲートシールド:シールドを破壊しなければゲートは開きません。 シールドは、周囲の5つのエネルギーポッドに同時に衝撃を与えることで破壊可能です。

There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access. Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is powered by 5 energy pods nearby. Destroy all 5 pods at once to remove the Blast Shield.


Central Station Access


Structural analysis complete. This storage unit has been modified to transport radioactive material. Radscans indicate the presence of Phazon energy. Handle with caution.


Central Mining Station


Structural analysis complete. Crude but efficient device designed to harness wind power. Components are of Space Pirate design.


Structural analysis complete. Wall fashioned from wreckage of the Space Pirate vessel shot down by the G.F.S. Tyr.

高性能の防御シールドです。 ビーム及びボムを受け付けません。 破壊は、不可能です。

Analysis complete. Space Pirate defense shield is active. Shield was taken from the wreckage of a Space Pirate starship. It is impervious to your weaponry.


Structural analysis complete. Space Pirate portable generator active. The generator is efficient and has a heavy armor casing. Only hits from heavy weapons can shatter the armor and destroy the device.


Heavy turret active. Walk into hologram to enter heavy turret.

スペースパイレーツ暗号化データを解読しました。 解読したデータをログブックに転送します。

Space Pirate encrypted data decoded.
(Two Hunters)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.

技術者報告 07.201.01
風力発電は作動中。これで予備電源は確保したが、長くはもたない。 ポータル発生装置を使い過ぎだ。 そんなにしょっちゅうダークエーテルに行ってどうする? 冷却装置の電力が切れて、パワートイレもオフラインになったら、あいつらどう思うだろう?

Technician Report, 07.201.01
The wind energy systems are online. I've managed to build a modest supply of reserve power, but I doubt it will last. All of these trips to the dark world are taking a huge toll on the energy supply. We'll see how they feel about these stupid expeditions when the cooling system shuts off and the power latrines go offline.


Luminoth Datapac translated.
(J-Stl's Testament)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.


Command Center Access

格子部分はタロニック合金製です。 ダメージを受け、強度が低下しています。

Structural analysis complete. Grating section is composed of Talloric Alloy. Structural integrity critical.


Command Center

ダーシャ系の惑星。 惑星全体に次元の歪が点在しており、これが原因で極度の気象の異常が発生しています。

Planet: Aether
Obscure world in the Dasha system. Planet is unstable due to transdimensional flux. Warfare has devastated a good portion of the world's population. Finally, extreme climate shifts have left most of Aether uninhabitable.

エーテルと相似形を成す不安定な惑星。別次元の同座標に存在。 ポータルを通過することでライトエーテルとの行き来が可能です。 フェイゾン反応を多数確認。

Planet: Dark Aether Transdimensional duplicate of Planet Aether. Can't determine origin of Aether's ''dark twin.'' Contains high levels of Phazon ore. Native bioforms attack on sight.


This rift portal is inactive. The portal field can be energized with dark energy. Walk into an energized portal to transport to Dark Aether.

スペースパイレーツ暗号化データを解読しました。 解読したデータをログブックに転送します。

Space Pirate encrypted data decoded.
(Phazon Operations)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.

スペースパイレーツ暗号化データを解読しました。 解読したデータをログブックに転送します。

Space Pirate encrypted data decoded.
(Local Conflict)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.

スペースパイレーツ暗号化データを解読しました。 解読したデータをログブックに転送します。

Space Pirate encrypted data decoded.
(Rift Portal)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.

スペースパイレーツ暗号化データを解読しました。 解読したデータをログブックに転送します。

Space Pirate encrypted data decoded.
(Great Discoveries)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.

スペースパイレーツ暗号化データを解読しました。 解読したデータをログブックに転送します。

Space Pirate encrypted data decoded.
(Phazon Raids)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.

医療報告 07.199.09
技術者のフェイゾン熱発症。 技術者12号が「フェイゾン熱」を発症。フェイゾンの個人所有を主張し、銃を使用したため解雇した。

Medical Report 07.199.09
Technician 12 relieved after showing symptoms of ''Phazon Fever,'' in where he claimed the Phazon as his own and held us at gunpoint until security arrived.

セキュリティ報告 07.201.04
ここ数日の間、宇宙船が現地の捕食生物の攻撃を受けている。 犠牲者の数は甚大で、宇宙船の兵士はほとんど全滅した。至急応援の要請が必要である。

Security Report, 07.201.04
The Marine vessel has been under attack by indigenous predators for several days. Casualties are high; the Marine force is near elimination.

フェイゾン収集報告 07.202.02
サイト1へのフェイゾン供給量が減少中。 サイト2及び3の供給量が90%を超過。サイト4の凶暴な生命体の妨害が問題だ。

Phazon Collection Report, 07.202.02
Phazon supply at site 1 is diminishing. Sites 2 and 3 are supply-rated above 90%. Site 4 remains a problem due to high presence of hostile bioforms.

警備報告 07.202.04
砂漠の番人なんてごめんだぜ。今の軍は、弱腰過ぎるんだ。 だいたい、我々は何で攻撃しないんだ?サプライ艦をやられた借りもあるし、やり返さないと! 大人しく、この砂場で待ってるだけで、どうなるって言うんだ。行動にでなきゃ!

Sentry Report, 07.202.04
I grow weary of standing watch on a wasteland. The accursed Marines are weak and vulnerable. Why do we not attack? They owe us a fate-debt for the attack on our supply ship! Instead of settling accounts, we sit around in this sandpit like a group of timid old spinsters. It is time for action!

セキュリティ報告 07.202.06
トーバス地域の偵察に派遣した、第87部隊からまだ報告がない。 派遣した地域は新基地建設の有力候補である。調査を続けるためにも新たに第98部隊を派遣した。

Security Report, 07.202.06
Commando unit 87 has failed to report. Unit was dispatched to recon the swamp, a potential site for a new base. Unit 98 sent to investigate.

ダークサムス分析 07.202.07
奴はフェイゾンを吸収して、力を増幅させているようだ。 脅威レベルは既にプラチナ-AAA級に達している。フェイゾンをこれ以上奴に渡してはならない。

Dark Hunter Analysis, 07.202.07
Scans of the ''Dark Hunter'' have revealed she grows stronger as she consumes Phazon. Already a class Platinum-AAA threat level, we shudder to think of her power level if she consumes our entire Phazon supply.

メトロイドエネルギー報告 07.202.09
フェイゾンの回収は目算立たず。 フェイゾンが確保できない今、メトロイドエネルギーで代用する。司令部からは大量繁殖許可を得た。

Metroid Energy Report, 07.202.09
Until we recover more Phazon, we rely on Metroids for power. Command has authorized mass breeding of Metroids for this purpose.

メトロイド繁殖報告 07.203.01
メトロイドを大量繁殖せよなんて命令は狂っている。まず、メトロイドを保管する場所が無い。 司令部の連中も、もし空腹のメトロイドの幼生と一緒に寝ろと言われたら考え直すだろうよ。

Metroid Officer Report, 07.203.01
The order to mass-breed Metroids is insane. We have no space to store them. Perhaps when Command is sharing a bunk with hungry Metroid infants, they will rethink this unwise order.

惑星状態報告 07.203.01
惑星は現在、深刻な異常気象と地殻変動に見舞われている。 惑星のエネルギーレベルの減少が原因と考えられる。このままではエーテル星の崩壊は避けられない。

Planetary Stability Report, 07.203.01
Planetary energy is at critical, creating violent climate changes and tectonic shifts. Unless these conditions can be reversed, global destruction is inevitable.

死亡報告 07.203.04
採鉱調査422の報告。死亡3名、重症2名、行方不明1名。 捕獲した未確認生命体は、研究のため科学班に引き渡されました。

Casualty Report, 07.203.04
Mining expedition 422 reports 3 dead, 2 injured, 1 missing in action. Captured bioform transferred to Science Team for study 07.203.01.

ダークエーテル転送424完了。放射能レベル異常なし。ダークキャノン砲フルパワーで作動中。 現在、転送装置の冷却サイクルに入った。冷却完了まで再起動を禁止する。

Dark Aether Transit 424 complete. Radiation levels within tolerances. Dark Cannon operating at full power; no signs of instability detected. Cooldown cycle under way.

セキュリティの突破に失敗しました。ポータル制御システムへのアクセスが、拒否されました。 このポータル制御システムへアクセスするには、別の方法を探す必要があります。

Security analysis complete. Unable to bypass Space Pirate security; portal control access denied. Find an alternate method of accessing portal control.


Mechanical analysis complete. This elevator will not function until activated. Scan its control console to bring it online.

エレベーターが起動しました。 ホログラムの位置に立って下さい。

Elevator systems online. Step onto the elevator to begin operation.


Security Alert.
All units to battle stations. The Dark Hunter has breached the Metroid production facility. Protect Phazon supply at all costs. Death to the Dark Hunter! Glory to the Space Pirates!

全システム及び全部隊に警報を発令。データネットワークに不正なアクセスを確認した。 ダークサムスがデータネットをハックした!我々の秘密を知られてしまった。見つけ次第抹殺せよ!

Security Alert, all systems and units. Datanet has been compromised. The Hunter has hacked our datanet. All of our secrets are now hers. She cannot be allowed to escape. Terminate her on sight!


Blast Door control security bypassed. Door will remain in the open position; security and control systems have been jammed at the source.


Security Station B


Security systems active. Dark Beam weapon system required for door access. Energize door with this weapon to open it.

スペースパイレーツ暗号化データを解読しました。 解読したデータをログブックに転送します。

Space Pirate encrypted data decoded.
(Federation Attack)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.

メトロイド繁殖プロセス進行中。 次の指示発令まで、プロトコル3が有効となります。 メトロイドふ化時や幼生体の保管には、最大の注意を払うように。いいか、ペットじゃないぞ!

Metroid brood generation under way. Protocol 3 in effect until further notice. Exercise extreme caution when dealing with the birthing or storage of newborns. Remember, infant Metroids are not pets!


Biostorage Access


Biostorage Station


Bioscan complete. Metroid subject has several blast wounds from Space Pirate weaponry on low-power settings. They wanted it alive after they were finished with it.


Bioscan complete. Evidence of symbiotic bonding present in subject's system. Subject is barely alive, and is periodically leeched of its bioenergy by Metroids.


Bioscan complete. Metroid subject is suffering from food poisoning. It has ingested several pet treats and Space Pirate rations. These do not agree with its digestive system.


Bioscan complete. Metroid subject has been energy-drained repeatedly over the last 3 cycles. Subject's cellular structure has become unstable as a result.


Bioscan complete. Metroid subject is heavily scarred. Wounds appear to be from repeated contact with its containment field, most likely received while attempting to escape.


Space Pirate encrypted data decoded.
(The Hunter)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.

メトロイド取扱い規約 07.202.2

Metroid Handling Protocols, 07.202.02
Metroids are not pets. Metroids are not for target practice. Finally, unauthorized feeding of Metroids is still strictly prohibited.


Bioscan complete. Containment field is keeping Metroid subject in a constant state of agitation. It is unable to enter sleep cycles.


Elevator platform active.


Security Station A


Mechanical analysis complete. Unit is a powered security barrier. The Space Pirates use this barrier to control access in this high-security area. It must be rotated to advance.


Bioenergy Production

死亡報告 07.195.02
メトロイド訓練担当者の1名がメトロイドによって殺害されました。 メトロイド訓練部隊318が、メトロイドの調教に失敗。捕獲直前にトレーナー1名を殺害しました。

Termination Report 07.195.02
Metroid unit 318 was put down today after a failed domestication session. Metroid unit refused commands and terminated one of its handlers before it was subdued.

盗難報告 07.196.05
メトロイド3匹が何者かに盗まれた。全部隊の尋問を遂行。 メトロイドの所在は未だ不明。現在、メトロイドエリアのセキュリティを2倍に強化中です。

Theft Report 07.196.05
Three Metroids have been stolen. All on-duty units have been questioned. Whereabouts of Metroids unknown. Doubling security in Metroid areas until further notice.

処罰報告 07.198.02
013及び043部隊への食料割り当てを削減した。 可動式ラックの設定を娯楽目的で変更したため。敏捷訓練は、許可されたエリアですること。

Discipline Report 07.198.02
Units 013 and 043 have been placed on low rations after being caught configuring the power storage racks for amusement purposes. Agility training is to occur only in sanctioned training areas.

セキュリティ報告 07.199.07
ダークサムスをメトロイドタンク付近で発見。 封入タンクを破壊しようとして途中で逃走。メトロイド盗難の件も奴の仕業かもしれない。

Security Report 07.199.07
The Dark Hunter was spotted near the Metroid tanks. She attempted to breach the containment racks without success, then escaped. Perhaps she is behind the recent Metroid theft.

メンテナンス報告 07.200.03
エネルギー抑制フィールド発生装置が、3回目の故障。 スペアのパーツも底を尽いた。 あと1回故障したら、俺達は終わりだ。身の危険を感じる。

Maintenance Report, 07.200.03
Energy containment field generators have failed three times. I fear for our safety. We're out of spare parts. One more failure, and we're finished.

事故報告 07.200.07
686部隊-メトロイド1匹を使った射撃訓練中、事故が発生。 射撃訓練用に、メトロイド1匹を放ったところ隊員の1名が襲われ脳機能が停止した。

Injury Report 07.200.07
Unit 686 released a Metroid for target practice today; the Metroid then assaulted 686. He should be regaining brain functions in a cycle.

訓練報告 07.200.08
科学班は、メトロイドを調教できると信じ込んでいる。 科学班の連中の頭には砂でも詰まってるのか?こっちは、すでにアシスタントを2名も失ったんだぞ。

Training Report, 07.200.08
Science Team believes the Metroids can be trained. After several cycles of trying, I believe Science Team has vapor for brains. I've lost two assistants to the wretched little things.

メトロイド繁殖報告 07.201.01
大量生産は順調に進行中。あと少しで目標を達成できるだろう。 問題は、保管場所である。容量を超える前に、施設の拡張を勧める。

Production Report - Metroids 07.201.01
Mass breeding of Metroids under way. We will meet Command's quota within a cycle. Storage remains an issue, recommend expansion of existing facility before a critical Metroid level is reached.


Alpha power storage rack movement system offline. Please activate the control system.


Delta power storage rack movement system offline. Please activate the control system.


Gamma power storage rack movement system offline. Please activate the control system.


Space Pirate security system bypassed. Power harnessing system online. Processing racks moving to position 1. Extreme caution recommended.


Power harnessing system active. Processing racks are in last registered position.

アルファラックのポジション管理用モニターです。 ラックの位置移動は、隣接する2つの操作パネルにアクセスすることで可能です。

Object scan complete. This is the Alpha power storage rack position monitor. Two nearby consoles control the movement of the Alpha power storage rack. Scan them to operate the system.

デルタラックのポジション管理用モニターです。 ラックの位置移動は、隣接する2つの操作パネルにアクセスすることで可能です。

Object scan complete. This is the Delta power storage rack position monitor. Two nearby consoles control the movement of the Delta power storage rack. Scan them to operate the system.

ガンマラックのポジション管理用モニターです。 ラックの位置移動は、隣接する2つの操作パネルにアクセスすることで可能です。

Object scan complete. This is the Gamma power storage rack position monitor. Two nearby consoles control the movement of the Gamma power storage rack. Scan them to operate the system.


Command authorized. Alpha power storage racks configured to desired position.


Command authorized. Delta power storage racks configured to desired position.


Command authorized. Gamma power storage racks configured to desired position.


Ventilation Area B


Save Station B

スペースパイレーツ暗号化データを解読しました。 解読したデータをログブックに転送します。

Space Pirate encrypted data decoded.
(Security Breach)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.


Sand Processing


Structural analysis complete. Grating designed to resist extremely high-speed winds. Weapons fire is useless against it; seek an alternate method to access the control area.


Structural analysis complete. Stress fractures detected. Decomposure of Brinstone alloy within wall has weakened it. Structural integrity critical.


Scan complete. System control unit is offline. Scan nearby console to restore power to system.


Sand Drain control system online. Energize the nearby control slot with a Morph Ball Bomb to begin the sand draining procedure.


Main Reactor


Structural analysis complete. This is a standard Kellium energy reactor, converted by the Space Pirates to process Phazon energy. Shielding levels at 220% and holding.


Element: Phazon
Volatile ore with biomutagenic properties. Origin point of Phazon unknown. First detection of element on planet Tallon IV. Used by Space Pirates to produce vast levels of energy.

アーマー内部にセットされたデータパックを解析しました。 ログブックに転送完了。

Luminoth Datapac translated.
(B-Stl's Testament)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.


Storage D


Dark Beam

[+] を押し続けてカーソルを左に合わせ [+] を放して切り替えます。アモ残量0時チャージでノーマル弾を発射できます。 詳細はステータス画面で確認可能です。 [2] で表示されます。

Dark Beam acquired!
Press [+] then point left to switch to the Dark Beam. Charge weapon to fire a normal shot when out of ammo. Additional data downloaded to Inventory Screen. Press [2] to access the Inventory Screen.

スペースパイレーツ暗号化データを解読しました。  解読したデータをログブックに転送します。

Space Pirate encrypted data decoded.
(Shadow War)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.




Ventilation Area A


Transport to Torvus Bog


Elevator system online. Access to Torvus Bog granted. Step into the hologram to activate elevator.


Mine Shaft


Mining Station B


Power restored to Kinetic Orb Cannon. Unit locked in current firing position. Autofire feature enabled.


Mechanical analysis complete. Industrial-grade mining drill. The Space Pirates are trying to convert it into a weapon, based on analysis.


Structural analysis complete.
A lode of secondary Denzium runs through this wall. Structural integrity is critical due to recent drilling.

ルミナスを確認、生命反応なし。 外骨格の劣化状態の分析の結果、30サイクル前に死亡と判明。 体表に無数の小裂傷を確認。死因は、裂傷からの出血多量と推測されます。

Bioscan complete.
Luminoth subject expired 1.4 centicycles ago. Subject Luminoth was blind, possibly from birth. Damaged cybernetic augmentation is present; a sonic imaging device enabled the subject to ''see'' the world around him.


Luminoth Lore translated.
(New Weapons)
Data transferred to your Logbook for further review.



ダークビームを [A] でフルチャージし同時に [↓] を押すと発射。 ミサイル5発とアモ30発を消費します。 詳細はステータス画面で確認可能です。[2] で表示されます。

Darkburst acquired!
This powerful attack uses 5 Missiles! Using the Dark Beam, press and hold [A] to charge, then press [↓] to fire. Additional data downloaded to Inventory Screen. Press [2] to access the Inventory Screen.


Transit Station


Transport to Sanctuary Fortress


Elevator system online. Access to Sanctuary Fortress granted. Step into the hologram to activate elevator.

エレベーターが起動しました。 ホログラムの位置に立って下さい。

Power relays connected. Elevator unit online. Step into the hologram to activate the elevator.


Storage A


Storage C


Storage B
