

Hyper Beam


ハイパーモード発動中に[A]を押すと発射します。 チャージするとフェイゾンエネルギーを大量に消費して、強力な継続型ビームを発射します。

The Hyper Beam fires bursts of Phazon energy.

While in Hypermode, press [A] to shoot. To charge the Beam, press and hold [A]. Release to fire a powerful attack.

Notes: Each shot of the Hyper Beam will drain a small portion of Phazon from your PED tank.


Hyper Ball



The Hyper Ball allows you to attack multiple targets while in Morph Ball.

While in Hypermode, enter Morph Ball and press [A] to attack all nearby enemies. Press and hold [A] to fire a constant attack.

Notes: The Hyper Ball attack will constantly drain Phazon from your PED tank while being used.


Hyper Missile



The Hyper Missile adds Phazon-enhanced Missiles to your Hypermode arsenal.

While in Hypermode, press [↓] to fire.

Notes: Each Hyper Missile fired will drain a large portion of Phazon from your PED tank.


Hyper Grapple


対象物にグラップリングビームを接続し、[STICK↑] で、フェイゾンエネルギーを送り込んで、内部から破壊します。 [STICK↓]で対象物からエネルギーを吸収します。

The Hyper Grapple enhances your Hypermode Grapple Beam with Phazon energy.

While in Hypermode, press and hold [Z] while targeting a Grapple Point [G] to attach. While still attached, pull the Control Stick down [STICK↓] to siphon energy and push the Control Stick up [STICK↑] to send energy.

Notes: The addition of Phazon energy to the Grapple Beam also increases its effectiveness against enemies.


Power Beam


威力はさほど高くありませんが連射性能に優れます。 [A]で発射します。

ビームは、チャージすることでアームキャノン内でエネルギーを凝縮することが可能です。 [A]を押し続けると、チャージします。 [A]を放すと、破壊力が増幅したビームを一気に放出します。

The Power Beam is the default Arm Cannon. It has the best rate of fire.

Press [A] to shoot the Power Beam. Press and hold [A] to charge the Arm Cannon, then release to fire a charged shot.

Notes: If you see your shots ricochet, cease fire. The Power Beam is not working against that target.
Unlike previous versions, this model of the Power Beam has been augmented with a Charge module. Charged shots are more powerful and deal more damage than normal shots.
Charging also has a limited "tractor beam" that will pull small objects to you.


Missile Launcher


[↓]で発射し、着弾時に爆発を起こします。 [Z]でロックオンして発射すると、ターゲットを追尾します。


The Missile Launcher adds ballistic weapon capability to the Arm Cannon.

Press [↓] to fire the Missile Launcher. Target and lock on with [Z] to fire a Homing Missile.

Notes: Missiles can destroy objects made of Brinstone.
Each Missile Expansion you find will increase the number of Missiles you can carry by 5.


Ice Missile




The Ice Missile enhances your current Missiles and allows the freezing of enemies and certain liquids.

Press [↓] to fire an Ice Missile. Target and lock on with [Z] to fire a Homing Ice Missile.

Notes: Enemies struck by an Ice Missile will be enveloped in shards of ice for a few moments, slowing their movement. Enemies who have been weakened in combat may freeze entirely and be unable to move or attack.
Some liquids, such as Fuel Gel, are highly susceptible to cold and will freeze when shot. Frozen gel will only remain for a short period of time before shattering.


Plasma Beam


[A]で発射します。 チャージにより、粒子をさらに高活性化させて、瞬間的に開放することで威力が増幅します。

プラズマビームはその超高熱により、一部の敵を発火、燃焼させることができます。 また、耐熱性の低い金属や氷塊などは、プラズマビームの照射で、融解または爆裂します。 金属の融解を利用し、回路類の溶接を行うことも可能です。

The Plasma Beam is able to fire superheated Beams of energy.

Press [A] to shoot the Plasma Beam. Press and hold [A] to charge the Arm Cannon, then release to fire a charged shot.

Notes: The Plasma Beam can be used to ignite some enemies and burn them to ash.
Certain materials are also susceptible to extreme temperatures and can be melted.
In addition to its destructive capabilities, the Plasma Beam may also be used to repair damaged devices.


Seeker Missile


[↓]を押し続けると起動、その状態で照準を動かしターゲットに合わせると自動でロックオンします。 ターゲットは、最大5つまで同時にロックオン可能です。 [↓]を放すと、ターゲットに向かってミサイルを発射します。


The Seeker Missile allows you to fire upon multiple targets simultaneously with the Missile Launcher.

Press and hold [↓] to charge the Seeker Missile and release to fire.

Notes: While charging the Seeker Missile, move the cursor over targets. You will lock on to each target you pass over, up to a maximum of five.
The Seeker Missile requires space to spread to its targets, so it is recommended to fire it from a distance.
You can also lock on to single targets multiple times with the Seeker.


Nova Beam

高周波粒子を集束させた高威力 のエネルギービームです。

[A]で発射します。 チャージにより、粒子を凝縮し瞬間的に開放することで威力が増幅します。

非常に硬質な物質であるフェイザイトは、その分子構造から、特定の高周波エネルギーがすり抜ける特性があります。 そのため、ノバビームであればフェイザイトの背後にある物質に直接影響を与えることが可能です。


The Nova Beam is a high-frequency Beam that can shoot through certain objects.

Press [A] to shoot the Nova Beam. Press and hold [A] to charge the Arm Cannon, then release to fire a charged shot.

Notes: The Nova Beam can shoot through objects made of Phazite and hit enemy weak points or hidden targets.
Many of these can be found by using the X-Ray Visor.
The Nova Beam retains all the abilities of your previous Beam weapons.


Morph Ball


[C]でモーフボールに変形し、再度[C]で解除します。 モーフボールもスーツと同様、機能の追加が可能です。

The Morph Ball changes your suit into a compact, mobile sphere.

Press [C] to enter Morph Ball mode. Press [C] again to leave Morph Ball mode.

Notes: Like the Varia Suit, the Morph Ball is modular. There are several modules that can be added to improve performance.


Morph Ball Bomb


モーフボール状態で[A]を押すとボムをセットします。 セットしたボムの上に移動すれば、爆風を利用することでモーフボール状態でのジャンプも可能です。

ボムを使うと、壁の破壊や装置の起動が可能です。 また、タロリック合金の破壊にも有効です。

The Morph Ball Bomb is the default weapon for the Morph Ball.

Press [A] when in Morph Ball mode to drop a Morph Ball Bomb.

Notes: The Morph Ball Bomb can destroy items made of Talloric alloy and activate certain devices.
If the Morph Ball is near a Morph Ball Bomb when it explodes, it will be popped a short distance into the air. This is called a Bomb Jump. It is also possible to jump while in Morph Ball by flicking the Wii Remote up quickly.
When a Morph Ball Bomb explodes, it must be close to the enemy to hit.


Boost Ball


[B]を押し続けてから放すと、加速します。[B]を長く押し続ければ加速は大きくなります。 ブーストボールの使用により、素早い長距離移動や体当たりが可能です。

ハーフパイプ状の地形でブーストボールを使用すれば、より高い位置へ到達できます。 またスピナーでブーストボールを使用すると、ジェネレーターベルト部分の急速な回転による発電が可能です。

The Boost Ball can be used to increase the Morph Ball's speed for short periods.

Press and hold [B] to charge, then release [B] to trigger a quick boost of speed.

Notes: When charging, the longer you hold [B], the longer (and faster) the boost charge will be.
Throughout the environment you will encounter U-shaped channels known as Half-pipes. Using the Boost Ball in these areas will let you reach higher places.
Build a charge as you descend in the Half-pipe, then trigger the Boost as you ascend the other side. This will give you the speed and momentum you need to reach new heights.
Some mechanisms will have circular channels that the Morph Ball can boost around. Repeatedly boosting through these channels will build a kinetic charge which will activate these devices.
You can damage some enemies by boosting into them.


Spider Ball


ボールトラックに接近し、[Z]を押すと、磁力が発生しボールトラックに密着します。 [STICK]で、ボールトラック上での移動が可能です。 [Z]を放すと磁力を失い、モーフボールがボールトラックから離脱します。


The Spider Ball allows you to move the Morph Ball along magnetic rails.

While next to a magnetic rail, press and hold [Z] to activate the Spider Ball ability.

Notes: Follow the magnetic rails to explore new areas.
The Morph Ball Bomb can be used to trigger a Bomb Jump while attached to a rail.
You can use the Boost ability to rapidly propel the Spider Ball away from magnetic rails.


Combat Visor


[-]を押し続けてバイザーセレクトメニューを呼び出し、中央部にカーソルを合わせて[-]を放すと、コンバットバイザーに切り替わります。 また、別のバイザーを使用中に[-]を軽く押すことでも、コンバットバイザーへの切り替えが可能です。

The Combat Visor is your default visor. It provides you with a Heads-Up Display (HUD) containing radar, minimap, lock on reticules, energy gauge, and Missile count.

Push and hold [-] to bring up Visor Select. Move the cursor into the middle zone and release [-] to enter Combat Visor.

Notes: Your current Missile amounts will be displayed in the lower-right corner of the Combat Visor.


Scan Visor

標準装備されているデータ収集機能を持つバイザーです。 一部のデバイスにアクセスし、起動することも可能です。

[-]を押し続けてバイザーセレクトメニューを呼び出し、上部にカーソルを合わせ[-]を放すとスキャンバイザーに切り替わります。 対象物をポイントして、[Z]を押し続けるとスキャンします。 重要なターゲットは赤色で表示されます。


The Scan Visor is used to collect data. Some devices will activate when scanned.

Push and hold [-] to bring up Visor Select. Move the cursor into the top zone and release [-] to enter Scan Visor.

Notes: Mission-critical scan targets will be red in color.
Scanning enemies with this visor can reveal their vulnerabilities.
You will be unable to fire any weapons while the Scan Visor is active.
Scanned data vital to the success of the mission is downloaded and stored in the Logbook section of the Pause Screen.


Command Visor

スターシップとの通信を行うバイザーです。 周囲の状況を分析、送信可能なコマンドを自動的に判断して、表示します。

[-]を押し続けてバイザーセレクトメニューを呼び出し、右下部にカーソルを合わせて[-]を放すとコマンドバイザーに切り替わります。 [Z]を押し続けてコマンドアイコンをロックオンすることで、シップにコマンド実行命令を送信します。

The Command Visor is used to send commands to your gunship.

Push and hold [-] to bring up Visor Select. Move the cursor into the lower-right zone and release [-] to enter Command Visor.
When in Command Visor, you will be able to see Command Icons. Target and lock on to these icons with [Z] to send orders to your gunship.

Notes: Much like the Varia Suit, your gunship's abilities are expandable. As you gain more abilities, you will be able to use the Command Visor to send your ship new commands.


X-Ray Visor




The X-Ray Visor can be used to see through objects made of Phazite.

Push and hold [-] to bring up Visor Select. Move the cursor into the lower-left zone and release [-] to enter X-Ray Visor.

Notes: The X-Ray Visor can be used to see the inner workings of devices and hidden weak points behind Phazite armor. Targets behind Phazite will require a high-frequency Beam to hit.


Varia Suit

バリアスーツは、チョウゾ製のパワードスーツです。 サムス専用に改良されており、生命維持装置や数種の防御機能を備えています。


The Varia Suit is an advanced Chozo armorsuit modified for use by Samus Aran.

Notes: The Varia Suit provides life-support functions and is well shielded from attack.
The modular nature of the Varia Suit allows for the addition of weapons, visors, and other gear as needed.
The Varia Suit's shielding loses energy with each hit; collect energy when possible to keep the shielding charged.


Space Jump Boots




The Space Jump Boots increase your leaping capability through the use of boot-mounted thrusters.

Press [B] to jump, then press [B] again during the jump to use the Space Jump Boots.

Notes: Timing is important when using the Space Jump Boots.
Experiment to discover ways to increase the height and length of your jumps.


PED Suit


[+]を押し続け、体内のフェイゾンエネルギーを、エネルギータンク1つ分PEDに注入すると、ハイパーモードが発動します。 ハイパーモード中は、一時的にアーマースーツの外骨格と武器体系とが最大強化され、フェイゾンエネルギーを使用した強力な攻撃を行うことが可能です。


The PED Suit is a fusion of your Chozo armorsuit and GF technology.

The defining characteristic of the PED Suit is the ability to enter Hypermode: a temporary supercharged state that enhances your offensive capabilities. Press and hold [+] to enter Hypermode.

Notes: In order to enter Hypermode, one full Energy Tank must be expended.
During Hypermode your Phazon reserves will be depleted with each attack. Carefully managing your reserves will allow you to remain in Hypermode for a longer period of time.
Once your Phazon reserve is depleted or after a certain amount of time, the suit will exit Hypermode.


Screw Attack


スペースジャンプ後に再度[B]を押すと発動。タイミング良く[B]を連打することで最大5回連続でジャンプし、長距離移動します。 スクリューアタック中は回転の威力により、接触時にダメージを与えることも可能です。

特定の壁面に対してスクリューアタックを行うと、壁を蹴って登るキッククライムが発動。 通常では到達できないエリアへ移動可能です。

The Screw Attack allows you to transform into a mobile ball of deadly energy.

After executing a Space Jump, press [B] repeatedly to initiate and perform the Screw Attack.
Use [B] to steer while in Screw Attack mode.

Notes: The Screw Attack has a limit of consecutive jumps.
Striking enemies with the Screw Attack will damage them.
Performing a Screw Attack while facing and touching a wall will execute a Wall Jump. Use the Wall Jump to travel great vertical distances.


Hazard Shield


アシッドレインブリオジェルなど、危険な環境を感知すると全身に高エネルギーシールドが自動的に展開。 スーツへの直接接触を防ぐことで、危険環境からの影響を完全に遮断します。

The Hazard Shield protects against toxic materials.

Notes: This modification increases your defensive shielding.
The Hazard Shield can resist the caustic effects of both acid rain and Fuel Gel, allowing you access to previously inaccessible areas


Grapple Lasso


グラップルポイント[G]に対し[Z]を押し続けて、ロックオンした状態でヌンチャクを前に振ると、グラップリングビームを発射します。 [Z]を押し続けたままヌンチャクを後ろに引くと、ビームを接続した対象物を引っ張ります。


The Grapple Lasso allows you to pull objects in the environment.

Lock on to a Grapple Point [G] and cast the Nunchuk forward to fire. Pull the Nunchuk back quickly to grapple.

Notes: Objects in the environment that shimmer can also be grappled.


Grapple Swing


グラップルポイント[G]に対し[Z]を押し続けると、グラップリングビームが発動します。 [Z]を押している間はグラップルポイントへの接続を維持し、放すとビームを解除して落下します。 ぶら下がっている間に[STICK←→]で、方向転換が可能です。 連続したグラップルポイントに順番にぶら下がって行けば遠く離れた場所へ移動できます。


The Grapple Swing allows you to swing back and forth from special points throughout the environment.

Target a Grapple Point [G] and press and hold [Z] to fire the Grapple Beam. Hold [Z] down to stay connected and let go to release. Use [STICK←→] to turn while swinging.

Notes: The Grapple Swing can be used to cross large gaps.
Look for special points that shimmer to swing from.


Grapple Voltage


紫色の光沢がある物質にグラップリングビームを接続し[STICK↓]で物質からエネルギーを吸収。 [STICK↑]で、エネルギーを送り込みます。

The Grapple Voltage ability allows you to give or take energy from certain objects.

Press and hold [Z] while targeting a Grapple Point [G] to attach. While still attached, pull the Control Stick down [STICK↓] to siphon energy and push the Control Stick up [STICK↑] to send energy.

Notes: The Grapple Voltage ability is tied into your suit's power. Draining energy from an object will replenish yours and sending energy into an object will drain energy from you.
Objects in the environment that shimmer can be given energy or have it taken away.
