



チョウゾの歴史の始まりは太古であり、どこから現れたのか、今の我々にも知るすべはない。 我々が伝えられることは、この地に降り立ったチョウゾの生き様についてのみであろう。 我々は、高度な機械文明を遠ざけ宇宙の理に従い、自然と共存する道を選んだ。 そして、平和な時をきざむと共に、折に触れ我々の言葉を記していこうと思う。


Chozo script translated.


The history of the Chozo stretches back into ancient times, so far into the fog of the past that we know not where our ancestors came from. One thing is clear, however: the Chozo who colonized Tallon IV made a conscious choice to eschew a civilization of advanced technology. We Chozo chose to live in harmony with nature, guided by the providence of the universe. We believe we will spend peaceful days here and plan to leave our words from time to time.




この地にチョウゾの新しい生活が根付いてから、いく千もの昼夜を数え長い年月が経過した。 そうして暮らす間に、今まで見えなかったもの感じられなかったものを知覚できる不思議な力が、我々の内に育ちつつある。この力の現れこそ、宇宙との調和の証明であろう。 チョウゾは今、宇宙の真実に触れつつあると信じている。


Chozo script translated.


Many long years have passed since we Chozo first took root in this land. The passage of time has always been a source of fascination to us; it is the belief of many Chozo sages that the truths of the universe hide within the tumbling currents of time's flow. Even as we search for answers there, however, we find illumination in other, unexpected places. We know not how the ability has come to us, but recently many Chozo have begun to sense things beyond the realm of ordinary perception. Strange sights and inexplicable sensations flood our minds, filling us with visions. We take this growing ability to be a sign of our burgeoning harmonization with the infinite; perhaps, finally, the universe's secrets are becoming known to us.




例え未来を見通す力を得たとしても、それを自由にできる力はチョウゾにもない。 いつか噴水の水が、かれる日も来るかもしれない。


Chozo script translated.


The future is a vague thing, ever-changing and always in doubt. Even if we Chozo could gain the ability to foresee the future, it would be a hollow gift, for we could never hope to control what has yet to occur. The fountain is an example of this--the day may come when its water dries up, and there is nothing we could do to stop such a tragedy. But we do know this: unlike the uncertain flow of water, the power of our will is strong and enduring. The will of the Chozo will never run dry.


我々と宇宙との調和が深まるにつれて、より多くの者がその力を取得し始めている。 我々は中庭を見つめ、小波の中に予言を見、風の息に未来の噂を聞く。 予言の中でも最悪で、かつよく見られるものは、虫の訪れを知らせるものであった。 寄生生物より生まれ、毒を帯びた母胎で栄養を受け、この虫は育ち世界を食い荒らす。 全ての予言が的中するわけではないが、この不吉な兆しに恐怖を禁じえない


Chozo script translated.


Many Chozo are gifted with the distant sight, and even more begin to learn it as our harmonization with the universe becomes more and more complete. We peer forward, seeing prophecy in the ripples of the water, hearing rumors of coming days on the breath of the wind. Though we celebrate the distant sight, many of these visions are dark--the worst of the prophecies, and the most common, tells of the coming of the Worm. Born from parasites, nurtured in a poisoned womb, the Worm grows, devouring from within, until the world begins to rot. Not all prophecies come to pass, of course, but we cannot help but fear this dark portent.




災いは突然に訪れた。暗い予感はあやふやに捉えてはいたが、それが姿を現したのだ。 遠く彼方より流れきた小さな隕石がターロンⅣに落下し、地中深くにその身を横たえた。 それ自体は、さしたる出来事ではなかったのだが、問題は隕石が放つ強大な負の力であった。 隕石を中心にクモが巣を張るがごとく、負の力はターロンⅣ全体に瞬く間に広がっていった。

Meteor Strike

Chozo script translated.

Meteor Strike

Disaster struck suddenly. We had a vague, dark foreboding, and it became truth. A meteor appeared from nowhere, casting a dark shadow of debris over the land with the violence of its impact. Its destructive force spent, the fallen star burned itself out rapidly, and the incident should have faded into memory...but the meteor brought with it corruption. A Great Poison burst forth into the land, a strange energy that clawed at natural life with a ferocity. That strange, negative energy emitted from the meteor expanded to encompass Tallon IV in a night, as a spider weaves a web.




全ての生き物は負の力により、あるものは命を失い、あるものは忌まわしき姿へと変わった。 特に湧き水の噴水に取り付いたものは、己の体から毒を垂れ流し、チョウゾの聖地を汚した。 だが、我々はこの出来事こそ、宇宙が与えたチョウゾへの試練であると考えよう。 この「大いなる災い」を拭い去ることはチョウゾに課せられた使命なのだ。

Spreading Evil

Chozo script translated.

Spreading Evil

The cries of this dying land echo in our ears as we Chozo watch the Great Poison seep ever further into the living pulse of the planet. The dark energy sinks into the trees and waters, devouring all life. Peaceful beasts die by the thousands - some creatures survive, but their forms grow as twisted and evil as the force that fell from the sky. Many of these mutated monstrosities remain small enough to do little harm, but others grow enormous and threaten our very existence. One such beast defiles our sacred fountain, disgorging poison from its foul form, replacing pure, flowing water with cascades of creeping death. Even in the face of such horror, we Chozo do not turn in fear. We are all that stands in the way of this Great Poison, and it is our duty to contain it.




隕石がもたらした負の力の波は我々チョウゾの想像を、はるかに上回り超えてゆく。 「大いなる災い」を鎮めるすべを、チョウゾはまだ己が手に入れてはいなかったのだ。 今はただ、これを封じ何時の日にか、浄化する力が現れるまで待ち続けるしかない。 しかし、すでにこの星に広がり染み込み、固まった災いのかけら全てを集める事はできない。


Chozo script translated.


The surges of negative energy brought by the meteor far exceed our expectation. We Chozo have yet to find a way to rid ourselves of the Great Poison. All we can do now is seal it away and wait for the day when a power to purify the poison appears. However, it is already impossible to collect all the pieces of the Great Poison, as it has already spread, seeping into the planet and hardening.




我々は、この闇を閉じ込めるための力場となる建物として神殿の創造に取りかかった。 その神殿の中心に「サイファ」と我々が呼ぶ方陣が敷かれることとなる。 我々チョウゾの最大限の精神力が満ち溢れた12個のアーティファクトがこれを作り上げる。


Chozo script translated.


As the Great Poison reaches ever further into the planet, we Chozo begin to feel the gnawings of despair--before it is too late, we now make our last stand. We have begun to build a temple to contain this darkness; at its heart we will place a Cipher, a mystical lock powered by twelve Artifacts and filled with as much power as we Chozo can harness. We wonder, though--even when we are done, will it be too late? And will the power of the temple, and the Cipher itself, prove strong enough to hold back the poisonous tide that even now swells within the ground, threatening all life?




この地にはびこる超常的な病はどうしたものか? 生き物を貪欲に探してはふ敗させていく。 隕石は、いったい何処から来たのだ。宇宙の片隅で無残な死を遂げた星の残骸の一つなのか? きっとそんなはずはない、ここにいる悪魔がその唯一の生き残りだと信じよう。 悪魔を永遠に封じ、宇宙に安らぎを取り戻すという希望を失わぬために。

Great Poison

Chozo script translated.

Great Poison

What is this otherworldly pestilence that infests the land, seeking out life in its blind need for corruption? And where did the meteor that brought it originate? Was it crafted by alien hands, or is it a roving chunk of a planet that suffered a violent end? Our minds quail in horror at the thought that long ago, in some corner of the universe as yet unseen by our eyes, an entire planet was perhaps once coated with this Great Poison. Whatever cataclysm may have ruptured that doomed place must have been mighty, indeed...and if other meteors from it spread through space, bearing this evil to the far corners of the universe... We hold fast to the hope that this is not so, that the only surviving remnants of this evil are here, on Tallon IV. Then, at least, there is hope for its eradication.




我々には、もはや封じた闇を消すために、再びその扉を開ける時が訪れる事はないであろう。 しかし、想いは残る。そして、我々の想いを託す者が現れることを信じよう。 想いに従い我々はチョウゾ一族の古代の鎧と武器をこの地に位置づける。 それらを手にする者こそ、チョウゾの遺志を継ぐ者である。

Entrusted One

Chozo script translated.

Entrusted One

So many creatures suffer beneath the blight upon the land, and we Chozo are no exception. But for all of our pain, we can at least believe in the promise of the future. We have come to believe that a time may never come when we can once again open the door and banish the darkness we've contained. Even so, our vigilance will forever remain. We believe that on some far-off day, a savior will come and continue what we have begun. For that savior, we will leave our ancient weapons and armor--the soul who can gather them will be the Entrusted One, the only being who can reverse the evil that grows here.




チョウゾは、ここクレイドルに「大いなる災い」をこの世界から断ち切り、封じ込める。 いたずらに「大いなる災い」に触れようとする者を退け、封印が力を失わぬよう、チョウゾの遺志を12のアーティファクトに込め、鍵をかけ扉を閉ざす。 扉が再び開かれる事はない。 いつかこの災いが取り除かれるその日まで。


Chozo script translated.


The containment of the Great Poison... This task has fallen to the Chozo, and we will not flee from our duty, even as we suffer with the land and its creatures. We will pour our will into the Twelve--the Artifacts that, when brought together, form the lock that holds this great evil at bay in the depths of the planet. This lock must stand up to all who might come to assault it. To preserve the power of the seal, and to protect it from those who would meddle for their own designs, we will spread the Artifacts across the land, hiding them from prying eyes. The lock must never open until the day comes when this disaster can finally be put right.




Prophecy of Light

Chozo script translated.

Prophecy of Light

Throughout our living nightmare, as we battle with this unyielding darkness, we Chozo see a light. This light glows with promise, chasing the shadows cast by the Great Poison and purifying that which has grown toxic. It is strange, though--at times it looks to our eyes as if the light coalesces into the figure of a woman. Burning brightly, the luminescence descends from space then retreats back into the infinite blackness from whence it came. When this prophecy comes to pass, when the light recedes, the Chozo's long vigilance of containment will finally come to an end.




12のつながりによって生まれしサイファの力は、絶対的であると信じている。 この世界の運命は、これより後アーティファクトを集める者にゆだねられるだろう。 「託されし者」がそれを知る時が近づきつつある。


Chozo script translated.


None know if our temple, the Cradle, will prove powerful enough to contain this evil forever. For now, it wraps around that abomination, cutting it off from the world above. However we believe the power or Cipher, which has been produced by linking the 12 Artifacts, should be strong enough. The fate of this world is now left to the One who will collect all the Artifacts in the future. The time when the Entrusted One knows is approaching.




忌まわしき物と共に、小賢しき飢えた者の一団が行く手を阻むであろう。 愚かにもこの一団は、「大いなる災い」に触れようともがきあがいている。 これを退けてこそ、真の「託されし者」と成り得るのである。


Chozo script translated.


To the Entrusted One: if you read these words, then our hope has not been in vain. Your path is fraught with danger--monstrosities beyond description lurk in the shadows, starving, hunting for prey, searching for ways to quench the poisonous urges that bloom in their brains. Some of these are shrewd, but they are blinded by their evil designs: believing in the black promise of the Great Poison, they seek to harness it for their own ends. It is these last that are the greatest danger. When you rid the universe of these creatures, you will be the true Entrusted One.



チョウゾは強い遺志を残す。 遺志は形となり、現れる。


Chozo script translated.


Things bound to earthly shapes are temporal and frail; existing in a single dimension, they are fragile, vulnerable, and ultimately mortal. However, not all things obey this law--shapeless, they wait beyond the realm of perception, emerging only when one arrives who can feel their presence. Such is the will of the Chozo. Our will to defeat the evil seeping into this planet remains; we desire only to see the darkness meet its end. The will of the Chozo has no mind or reasoning of its own, though. This will be the Entrusted One's Trial.




我々の神殿と12の印は、この星にうがたれた穴の底へと悪魔を封じ込める。 しかし、この地に我々チョウゾの未来は見えない。 見えるのは闇の中に輝く光、ただひとつ。 チョウゾはその光に託す。 その光が輝くところ、チョウゾは共にある。

Shining One

Chozo script translated.

Shining One

The power of our temple and the 12 Artifacts has sealed an evil in the depths of this planet. However, the future is cloudy to us, a world of veils where dark apparitions flit in the shadows. Within this strange world, one image stands out in the mist, flickering through the landscape, wraithlike. It is a human, a lone figure shining in the toxic shadows. We Chozo do not know what it is, but our hearts swell with hope at the promise of that glowing light. We will place our faith in our shrine; we will be there when the light shines upon our land.