エレベーターが起動しました。 ホログラムの位置に立って下さい。
Power relays connected. Elevator unit online. Step into the hologram to activate the elevator.
Indestructible barrier shield.
Scans indicate presence of a control system.
Controls not present in the visible spectrum or current timespace.
Object scan complete. This is a Luminoth sentry pod. Anti-gravity thrusters online. Magnetic defense field active. Unit is no longer transmitting security data. It appears to be in a holding pattern.
Security access: Active.
Barrier shield control access granted.
Shield deactivated.
End Of Line.
キッククライムウォール: 摩擦力の高い素材でできた壁です。 壁に向かってスクリューアタックを発動。接触時に [B] を押すと壁を蹴って登ることが可能です。
System: Wall Jump Surface Area designed to work with Screw Attack. Perform Screw Attacks while facing and touching this wall to do a Wall Jump.
Ammo Station Step into these stations to get a full supply of Ammo for your weapons.
Security system initiated. All locks are active. Three keys are required to access the temple. They are scattered throughout the Ing Hive.
キーコード認証完了。 3つのロックのうち、1つが解除されました。 扉を開くには、鍵があと2つ必要です。鍵は闇のホレイト内に存在しています。
Key code acknowledged. Lock deactivated. 2 keys required to access temple. Search the Ing Hive to find them.
キーコード認証完了。 3つのロックのうち、2つが解除されました。 扉を開くには、鍵があと1つ必要です。鍵は闇のホレイト内に存在しています。
Key code acknowledged. Lock deactivated. 1 key required to access temple. Search the Ing Hive to find it.
Key code acknowledged. Final lock deactivated. You may now access the temple.
Annihilator Beam
[-] を押し続けてカーソルを上に合わせ [-] を放して切り替えます。アモ残量0時チャージでノーマル弾を発射できます。
詳細はステータス画面で確認可能です。[2] で表示されます。
Annihilator Beam acquired!
Press [-] then point up to switch to the Annihilator Beam. Charge weapon to fire when out of ammo.
Additional data downloaded to Inventory Screen.
Press [2] to access the Inventory Screen.
Object scan complete. This is a corrupted Temple Security Station. Lock systems bypassed. Use the Bomb Slot to activate station and gain access to the Hive Energy Controller area.
Object scan complete. Unit is part of a reactor-maintenance system. These servomechanisms continue to function...barely. Radiation levels and exposure to local atmosphere has severely impaired their ability to function. Continued exposure will lead to shutdown.
System online. Motivators engaged. Lift platform will remain in the upright position.
Object analysis complete. Target is part of a dark energy processing system. Power from these globes is transferred to other parts of the Hive.