

Ship Missile


コマンドバイザーで[-]を押し続けコマンドアイコンにロックオンすると、シップにミサイル発射のコマンド実行命令を送信します。 ロックオンしたターゲットへの集中砲火と、エリア一帯にミサイルを発射するボミングランが可能。ボミングランは、シップが進入可能な、敵のいるエリアで行えます。


Your gunship is now capable of firing a salvo of Missiles.

While in Command Visor, lock on with [Z] to a Ship Missile Command Icon. Your gunship will fly over the area and bombard the environment with Missile attacks.

Notes: Ship Missiles can destroy objects made of Maldium.
Each Gunship Missile Expansion you find will increase the number of Missiles your gunship can carry by 1.


Ship Save Station

スターシップに搭載されているセーブステーションです。 エネルギー、およびミサイルの完全補充と、行動記録の保存が可能です。

Your gunship is equipped with a Save Station. Enter your gunship to save your game.

Notes: Like normal Save Stations, saving at your gunship will fully replenish your energy.


Ship Grapple Beam




The Ship Grapple Beam will allow you to pick up and move large objects.

While in Command Visor, lock on with [Z] to a Ship Grapple Command Icon. Depending on the icon, you will be able to lift or drop objects in the environment.

Notes: Your gunship will be unable to use all other abilities while carrying cargo.
Using another Command Icon while carrying an object will prompt you to return your current cargo to its original location. If you confirm the new command, the cargo will automatically be returned to where it was first found.
Objects in the environment that shimmer can also be grappled with your ship.
